Base Questions for Virtual Visits
The following are a series of questions for the basis of the virtual visits with member organizations that are part of our Synodal Process . This is not intended as a checklist, but rather a guide for the conversation. To see the reports of the visits already conducted, see here:
A. The local /national organization
General presentation
- Can you make a general presentation of your organization?
- How many members do you have and what is the evolution?
- What about the younger generation?
- Are there different categories (for example professional occupation) and in that case and how do you classify them?
- What is the general structure? Centered or decentralized?
- What are your main human resources? (Volunteers or paid staff).
- What are your main financial resources? Are there external financial support beyond members fees?
- Can you balance the budget? Is there a part dedicated to international activities?
B. The relations of the movement / organization
Relations at the local level
- What kind of relationships do you have with IMCS and IYCS?
- With other ICMICA movements beyond borders?
Relations at the global level with ICMICA International
- How are these relations? Do you feel living separate lives or a global adventure?
- What information do you transmit to PRI, what do you receive from it?
- What is the added value of belonging to PR? (Give examples)
- What do you expect from Pax Romana in the future?
C. Mission and its implementation
- How do you formulate your mission?
The reality where you are living
- What are the main challenges you have to face ?
- What are the main concerns of your members
Activities, fruits, results:
- How do you respond to the challenges as a community?
- How decisions are taken?
- Can you give few examples of recent actions and their results?
- Can you give few examples of fruits: personal evolution, partnership with others.
- What has been already done in that field? Do you have a plan to grow or extend the movement and how?
- Why do people join?
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