“Opening paths to hope: rethinking and renewing politics”.

 Solasbide, the Navarrese group of ICMICA -Pax Romana, starts a new course in one year. This year the following quote from Zygmunt Bauman “…I have hope in human reason and conscience, in decency […] The only real concern is how many victims will fall before the crisis is resolved […] If we lose hope it will be the end, but God forbid us not to lose hope,” and challenged us. For this reason, we decided to dissect the theme entitled: “Opening paths to hope: rethinking and renewing politics”.

In its two poles – hope and politics – it is of clear transcendence and seems enormously urgent and opportune.

We live immersed in a world system that some thinkers already call necronomy, and according to the affirmation of Pope Francis, “kills”, is necrophiliac.

We consider the statement true, not only because it produces deaths, but because, to a large extent and often, it feeds on them and lives from them. The great idols have always demanded human sacrifices.

The rules of the game are being broken or applied partially and discretionally according to self-interest, and the law of the strongest; and the law of the strongest are being installed. As a result, discouragement spreads, mistrust sets in, frustration appears, and the horizon of the future becomes cloudy and dark. Is there still room for hope?

It is obvious that the answer must come from many corners and different paths. Politics is only one of them, albeit a fundamental one. But instead of serving as a basic instrument for good living and coexistence, it has been perverted into a sought-after source of permanent conflict and instability.

That is why we intend to rethink it during this course. We will focus on it in a special way. First, for ourselves, because we need it. And then, with immense modesty, to contribute something, however little it may be, to shed a little light on the disturbing and loaded current panorama.

As we advance in our reflections we will share them with you, and as always, we will conclude in a meeting open to the Navarrese society to listen to each other and come up with proposals that will help us open paths of hope which we need so much. We rethink and seek a way to renew politics as the art of articulating the coexistence between different people.

Solasbide: (Jesús Ariño, Pilar Beorlegui, Mertxe Berasategui, Jesús Bodegas, Camino Bueno, Guillermo Mújica, Miguel Izu, Fco. Javier Lasheras. Vicente Madoz, Ignacio Sánchez de la Yncera, Josep Mº Valls, Lucio Zorrilla).

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