1. Improve the internal life of the Movement in order to facilitate the knowledge and contacts between the members of the movement: gatherings dinners, intergroup meetings (to meet the people of other groups and proposals and dynamics that are usable), preparation of material to reflect on subjects in a common way. Continue to promote intra-movement communication through technologies.

2. Work in network with other related ecclesial movements, both from the point of view of teams of responsibles and members of the groups. We have eucaristies and retreats from the CAC, laikado XXI, euscocat, the apostolate seglar, the FJM, the Catalan-Balearic coordination and the international movement MIIC – PAX Romana

3. Get closer to action: work to bring the groups to action. Deepen our social commitment with the poorest and make it easier for the people of the movement who want to engage in concrete actions in this regard. Continue and strengthen the presence on the Christian platform of immigrants

4. Work for the continuity of the movement: encourage participation / incorporation of new generations as well as new additions. Convey our experience of faith and of Church to younger generations, to offer the proposal of movement as an ecclesial community where we live a deeply rooted and committed faith.

5. To be a movement in general more visible. Work communication outwards in a way that the is movement is known to Christians with a similar sensitivity to ours and also to the whole of society. Also make the movement able to position itself and have public opinion of issues that affect us from our believing sensibility. Find tools and spaces to publicize our activities and participate in existing social and church platforms.