Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija

Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science



    The LCAS is the oldest Lithuanian academic organization, bringing together scientists from different fields, Lithuanian general education, culture and public work. LCAS belongs to the global association Pax Romana, the first lay Catholic academics association throughout Europe.

    Since its establishment in 1922, LCAS has operated during occupation and in exile, and resumed its operations in Lithuania in 1992.  

Activities and goals:

According to its statutes and practical activities the goals of the LCAS (Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science) are:

a) to unite Lithuanian Catholic scholars living in Lithuania and abroad for scholarly work;

b) to create the best possible conditions for their work;

c) to prepare new Catholic scholars and make the Academy the center for Lithuanian Catholic scholars in the world;

d) to raise the level of science and Christian culture of the Lithuanian nation.


Striving for these goals the LCAS organizes the scholarly work of its members in archives in Lithuania and abroad, provides them with technical equipment, organizes scholarly events of various kinds and scale for students, and publishes scholarly works. 

 Recent events:

Person and recognition: the insights of Paul Ricoeur

Christianity and folk culture

Recent themes  of the review

Annual of LCAS, vol. XXXII

Studies in Church history, vol. III

Recent public declarations or press conferences

Approval letter of the resolution addressed to the Court of Justice of the European Communities regarding the law about the protection of the under-aged against dangerous public information