Spiritual Family Recollection of MIIC Togo

On Sunday 4 August 2024, as part of its activities and in order to strengthen relational capacities of its members, MIIC PAX ROMANA TOGO organised its recollection at the end of the 2023-2024 pastoral year at the Centre Centre Léon XIII des Soeurs Canossiennes in Agoè-Légbassito, a suburb of Lomé, with around thirty participants.
The aim of this family recollection was to get together, pray together and receive God’s grace as a family to cultivate more personal fraternity with Christ for the CHRIST for the spiritual growth of each member and to better witness to JESUS CHRIST as a family; to allow ourselves to be enlightened by the Word of God and better face the challenges of the present day; to create and strengthen the bonds of fraternity between families (children and spouses) of MIIC PAX ROMANA TOGO.

This recollection is organised on the theme: ‘Evangelisation in Africa in the face of our cultures: challenges and opportunities’.
The programme of the day’s activities and the list of participating families are attached.

The day began with a community mass at 09:00 to entrust to the Lord the activities of MIIC Pax Romana Togo, the lives of all its members, their families and the deceased members of MIIC Pax Romana Togo.
After mass, the families moved into the conference room for the rest of the activities. The moderator, Mr Alexandre KABIEZIM, began by welcoming everyone and outlining the day’s programme. But before the sharing by the Father, the President Dr Jules WAHARE, in his speech, said ‘MIIC Pax ROMANA TOGO, faith through action’ presented the objectives and interest of such an event within our movement.

This was followed by the teaching on the theme chosen and led by Paul TAMEKLOE, vicar of the parish of Sainte Madelaine de KANOSSA de KOVE, in the archdiocese of Lomé.
During the discussions, Father Paul spoke to us about the challenges and opportunities in relation to the theme chosen, so for a successful evangelisation in relation to our cultures, we must identify the elements of our cultures, the rites which convey social values, which can be incorporated into our faith, which deserve to be Christianised, for this, we need to understand our cultures. It is important that the Gospel is proclaimed in our languages. We must be careful not to confuse inculturation with syncretism. This meeting was very enriching for everyone.

This family reunion initiative, the second of its kind at Pax Romana TOGO, was mainly an opportunity to renew this family reunion framework, by getting to know each other beyond the members of MIIC and by better fraternising between husbands, wives and children in the Pax Romana Togo family.

Lomé on Sunday 4 August 2024 at the Centre Spirituel Léon XIII des Soeurs Canossiennes à Agoè-Légbassito.

To download in pdf form (in french) CR RECOLLECTION MIIC Pax Romana TOGO 2024

Session Secretariat Team
Marcellin NEHANKE
Review and validation team