CPNZ Leadership converses with Apostolic Nuncio

On 19 August 2024, the Catholic Professional Network of Zimbabwe CPNZ, paid a courtesy call to the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Janusz Stanislaw Urbanczyk at his official residence, which is also the Embassy of the Holy See in Mt. Pleasant.
The main purpose of the visit was to welcome the Nuncio as the lay professionals in Zimbabwe and also to assure him of our commitment to serve Church and Society as guided by our bishops. We also assured him of our support for the Holy Father Pope Francis as he guides the universal Church.
Archbishop Janusz also took time to share his experiences in the diplomatic service representing the Holy See. He has over twenty years active engagement in the diplomatic trenches in Africa, Europe and USA. He shared on the transition from the Millenium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Agenda of the UN. On paper, the international institutions have very good objectives, which in many instances resonate with the Social Teachings of the Church. However, the implementation is always problematic. Funders tend to run with certain agendas or objectives. Infact, ideologies which often are contrary to overall human dignity and the common good. For example, the Atomic Energy treaties which regulate the development of nuclear materials need the greater effort of the Global North. To raise the standard of living of so called Global South , the North should intentionally take a cut in definite and certain areas. He went further to highlight issues of disasters, food security and inequalities in our midst and the commitment of the Catholic Church in collaborating with progressive forces to find solutions.
He also shared about his experiences when he attended the 17th August 2024 44th SADC Summit. The objectives and deliberations were quite good , in his assessment. There needs clear follow up actions and commitment from all parties for the full realisation of the objectives.
Archbishop Janusz expressed his deep commitment to walk and work with the local bishops’ conference. They are his official contact and collaborative arm. He also emphasised that the success of his mission will be to the extent he is connected with all people of God in Zimbabwe – the laity, religious , clergy , and indeed the bishops. He assured us of his availability and presence for sharing on pertinent issues. Effective intervention requires facts , evidence and effective communication.
The meeting also highlighted on climate change in light of Laudato si, Child protection and the issue of the pervasive drug industry , financial sustainability in the contemporary times, food security, lay involvement in the Church (the Church is not only the hierarchy) , immigration challenges especially in light of introduced quotas for prospective university students in countries like Poland, family values and the need to protect and promote authentic values as guided by the Church.
We were accompanied by the Harare Chapter Spiritual Director Fr. Ashton Mugozhi SJ as well as Fr. Tanaka Mashiche SJ , based at St. Ignatius College in Lusaka , Zambia. Our ICMICA Pax Romana Africa Region Secretary General Perlagia Tafadzwa Kapuya was also in attendance.
We gave the Nuncio a small gift comprising some Zimbabwean artefacts.
It was indeed a fruitful encounter. We departed after a photo session, with promises for further engagement.
Albert Dhafana
CPNZ National Chairperson