2024 Annual Meeting of the Moderators of Associations of Faithful and Ecclesial Movements

The Annual Meeting with Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial Movements, and New Communities organized by the Dicastery of Laity, family and life  was held on Thursday 13th June 2024 in the New Synod Hall, Vatican City.

The theme of the event was: The Challenge of Synodality for the Mission.

The event started with the Holy Mass, which took place at the Altar of the Chair – St. Peter’s Basilica,
presided by Card. Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery

After the mass, participants moved to the New Synod Hall where they received the welcome words and the Audience with the Holy Father. You can find the Address of the Holy Father here.

The Introductory Remark was done by Card. Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery, followed by the conferences on:

  • Mission as the Goal of Synodality by Prof. Rafael Luciani, Catholic University Andrés Bello, Venezuela. You can find the Abstract  of the presentation of Prof. Luciani here: LUCIANI_Abstract & mini Bio – ENGLISH


  • Synodality and the Experience of the Movements by Dr. Elisa Lisiero from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.

The afternoon session was marked by the testimonies, experience, concerns from the ecclesial movements.

Pax Romana had 7 delegates (06 official):

Photo of Pax Romana Family at the Annual Meting of the Dicastery


  • Father Luis Maria, Chaplain (7th position from the left on the photo)
  • Antonio Paulino, Vice Président for Europe (1st position from the left on the photo)
  • Olive Maria, Secretary General (2nd position from the left on the photo)

From  IMCS:

  • William Norkek, International President (6th position from the left on the photo)
  • Fasika Lachore, Secretary General (4th position from the left on the photo)
  • Frederica Demattè, Team assistant. (5th position from the left on the photo)
  • The coordinator MIEC – JECI Europe (from JECI). (3rd position from the left on the photo)

The meeting was fruitful. Pax Romana is grateful to the Dicastery for this opportunity.

This is a quick and brief narration of the event, a detailed report will shared very soon.