SIIAEC Conference 2023: “The Decline of Global Ethics”

  • Date: 8th-10th December 2023.
  • Venue: Centrum Salvator, Jakubovo Nám. 4-5, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Motivation: The end of the cold war seemed to open a period of global relationships based on interna­tional law, economic interdependencies, treaties and last not least the “Universal Declara­tion of Human Rights” (UDHR). This was guided by a conception of man including human dignity in a democratic environment guaranteeing the separation of state and religion.
    Recently, this concept turned out to be a theory and utopia that has largely collapsed. We are observing the massive occurrence of hot wars, detestable violence and the unscrupulous practices of neo-colonialism.
    Challenging questions are therefore, how conflict settlement can be achieved, mediation launched, human rights and security re-established, and what role peacekeeping organizations and interfaith dialogue may play.
  • Programme: see attachment
  • Language: English
  • Past SIIAEC-Conferences:
    Warsaw 2018,
    Padua 2029,
    online 2021 “Ethical Action: COVID Affecting Human Rights and Democracy” (
  • Organizing Committee:
    Wolfgang Kautek (President)
    Pawel Broszkowski (Vice-President)
    Ille Gebeshuber (Executive Board)
    Barbara Mayrhofer (Treasurer)
    Theo Quendler (Executive Board)
    Wolfgang Spitaler (Executive Board)
    Klaus Weichselbaum (Executive Board)
    Annemarie Weinzettl (Executive Board)
  • Registration: kindly, fill the attached form by email as soon as possible (deadline September 1, 2023)


Wolfgang Kautek

(SIIAEC President)