Moviment de Professionals Catòlics

de Barcelona (MPCB)

Movement of Catholic professionals of Barcelona




The mission

      The MPCB is a network of groups of Christian professionals, who want to be attentive to our reality to make it more human. The profession is an important factor that determines much of our lives. We live in Europe and we feel privileged to have cultural and educational resources available, we want to serve others. Our profession is an area of priority commitment to achieving a society according to Gospel values. So, we are a group of Christians, who want to respond to what the Gospel asks the Church: being in the middle of our world, witnesses to the transformation of collective realities and the evangelical word .

   This is verified in small groups of life review, coordinated with other church groups to be a voice that is discovered in the Church of God in ordinary life every day and to celebrate it in our gatherings, meetings or study conferences. We will be present in our diocese, participating in all its relevant instances (Council of Catholic Action Movement). We want to be partners in all matters that fall within our specialty. And also to work in coordination with other groups in other dioceses in Catalonia for the creation of a Catalan movement.

Review of life

   This spirituality (See, Judge, Act) invites us to read life from the Gospel, and to read the Gospel from life. This method allows us to know Jesus Christ and walk in His company, and is also a tool to analyze and criticize our environment by following Jesus Christ, and to act with coherence.

We practice the life review in small groups, diverse regarding the professions of their participants, who meet regularly accompanied by a spiritual adviser.

    Since 2004, the Movement of Catholic Professionals Barcelona (MPCB) has been part of the Pax Romana Catalan Federation with the Group of Jurists Roda Ventura and the Center Eiximenis .

Recent themes of reflection.

These themes emerged from the groups of the Dioceses of Vic, Barcelona and Gerona.

1 Dimension of faith and community based church today. With whom do we share our faith and what is the social function of the collective church?

2 Spirituality: the inner life as we live, what level of personal growth to keep faith.
3 Is the traditional family pattern a universal model? Is there a single family pattern desirable for all?
4 Commitment to the culture of Zap: family level, group work, etc.. Conflict between loyalty and priority.
5 Happiness: how to live with joy in a sad society?
6 The accompaniment of others, to establish bridges of dialogue because we have a public space.
7 What is salvation today?
8 Who and how are the signs of hope? How to open up horizons, which signs of hope in today’s culture?